Vegetarian Dog Food & Dog Treats
What you Need to Know

Opinions, facts, and experiences with vegetarian dog food and dog treats are as varied and many as there are breeds of dogs. So, what should you know before you choose a vegetarian or vegan dog food?

  • Talk to a Vet - Or two, and consider talking to a Holistic Vet. When choosing your dogs main diet, you want to be sure of the facts, not just someones opinion.

  • Research - Do your own research and reading regarding dog nutrition and diet. Then, keep current, information about dog nutrition and health is updated regularly. Having a recommendation is good, but you still need to make the final decision.

  • Your Dog's Health - What is your dog's overall health? Does she have any health conditions or concerns? Is a vegetarian dog food and diet well suited for your dog? Maybe another type of diet would better care for your dog's needs.

  • Cost - No one wants to put their budget before their dog, but the truth is, specialized dog food can cost more than another healthy option. This shouldn't be the only thing you weigh your decision on, it just needs to be considered as a factor.

  • Your Feelings - You probably chose a certain dog or dog breed for personal reasons. So, too, you may choose a vegan or vegetarian dog food for your dog because of your personal feelings and choices in life.

OK, enough about food, let's get to the good stuff, the homemade dog treats! Whatever variety of high quality food you choose to feed your dog, a vegetarian, vegan dog treat, or fruit dog treat will gladly be accepted in the dog treat jar.


Are these Strawberries for Me?vegetarian dog food

Sweet, soft and sometimes crisp, fruit dog treats are a readily accepted as a new dog treat. What fruits can you feed your dog? Remember, never feed your dog the stems, leaves, or the pits of any of these approved fruits. This is not an extensive list, but it should get you started:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Pumpkin


Our sweet dogs can be like kids when it comes to leafy green vegetables. At first, it's a nose up in the air and a closed mouth. But if you introduce new foods in a fun and recognizable way, they'll clean their plates and ask for more.

If your dog still won't have anything to do with veggies, puree, and hide them in their favorite dog treat recipes, it works almost every time! :)

  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Green Beans
  • Peas
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Zucchini

Fruits & Veggies to Avoid

For a complete list of foods poisonous to dogs be sure to review our list.

  • Avocados
  • Grapes & Raisins
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions

You'll want to make a choice regarding whether to include Garlic in your homemade dog treats. Garlic is related to the onion, so it may have similar effects. All of our dog treat recipes, if they include garlic, are a very small amount of the total dog treat. If you want to omit the garlic in any dog biscuit recipe, you can, it will not affect the final dog treat.

With any new food, whether it's vegetarian dog food, vegan dog treats, or fruit dog treats, moderation is key. Please, if you have questions about what to feed your dog, consult a trusted Veterinarian.

Vegetarian Dog Treats to Tempt your Dog

Collard Greens Baked Treats - Healthy Greens with Sweet Molasses

Green Bean Dog Biscuits - Cheese is Added for a Delectable Treat

Peach Oatmeal Dog Cookies - Add Fresh, Frozen or Canned Peaches

Homemade Dog Cookies - Spinach & Carrot Dog Cookies for your Dogs Heart Health

Dog Muffin Recipe - Winter Squash Muffins to Warm Your Dog from the Inside Out

Double Sweet Potato Dog Treats - A Soft Sweet Potato Cookie for Your Sweetie

Recipes for Dog Treats - Cheesy Flax Squares for a Healthy Heart

Sweet Potato Dog Chew - Dehydrate until chewy or crunchy

Blueberry Dog Treat - Yummy Muffin with Bananas & Oats

Dog Cookie Recipes - Pumpkin & Carob Oatmeal Cookies

Soft Vegan Dog Treats - Easy Spiced Dried Apples

Pumpkin & Peanut Butter - Made with Cinnamon

Homemade Dog Treats with Parsley - Pucker Up for a Parsley Dog Kiss

Cherry Muffin - Use Fresh or Frozen Pitted Cherries

Vegetarian Dog Treat - Dehydrated Beet Chips, Canned or Fresh

Pumpkin Dog Treats - Smells Great with Cinnamon & Cloves

Wheat Free Dog Treat Recipes - Apple Carrot Nibbles with Rice Flour

Sweet Potato Dog Treats - Easy Muffins with Cinnamon & Ginger

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