Isa - German shepherd

by Diane
(New York)

Can I have it now?

Can I have it now?

Isa is my 8 1/ 2 yr old shepherd. She has had allergy issues for a few years now, so only hypoallergenic for her!

She loves my homemade treats. She uses her inside voice to ask for them.

Whenever I cook she brings me toys and drops them at my feet to trade for whatever it is I cooking. Sometimes I have 3 or 4 toys around me ! It never works, but she tries.

She is my constant companion and my running buddy having trained for 2 marathons with me, running as much as 18 miles at a time with me. She would do the race with me if allowed!

Comments for Isa - German shepherd

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by: Anonymous

She is absolutely beautiful. I would have guessed her to be around 4 year old. Lucky girl to have a Mom like you!

Isa is so cute
by: Greg Sheen

Isa is so so cute and your telling how she attempts to trade toys for food reminded me of my, now deceased, puppy Lucy.

by: Anonymous

GSDs are the best companions! I had my Ben for 14+ years and what a wonderful friend he was! Isa is a beautiful girl and smart to barter for food! LOL

Cutest Pup EVER!
by: Anonymous

Your pup is sooo cute!

Running Paws
by: Dina

That's awesome!!! I run with my fur baby as well!!!

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