How do you make Truffles that are for human and canine consumption?

by Josie Bond
(Medford, OR )

Hello, Recently I went into a pet store that sells homemade dog treats and one of those treats was a truffle made for dogs and human consumption. I've been trying to find a recipe on line for these dog truffles and cant find one. Please if you have a recipe like this let me know.

Chef's Answer ~ Dog truffles are somewhat of a misnomer since dessert truffles are made of chocolate, and chocolate can be very dangerous for dogs. So, I think what you may be looking for is something that looks like a truffle.

I would choose your favorite dog treat recipe, it should be one that has ingredients that humans would find somewhat palatable to eat. Just keep in mind that humans are use to eating a lot more sugar and salt than what is typically in dog treat recipes.

A great dog treat recipe to start with would be one that has a soft texture, like the Blueberry Dog Treat Muffin recipe. Roll them into balls and coat with melted carob. Once they've cooled you could drizzle a thinned version of the Cream Cheese Dog Treat Frosting on top. You can thin this icing by adding extra yogurt.

I hope this helps. I'd love to see pics of your final product! :)

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