Bella Rose - Shih Tzu and Pekingese Mix

by Cathy
(Ottawa, Ontario Canada)

Bella Rose at Pet Parade

Bella Rose at Pet Parade

Bella Rose is a laid-back, mellow girl. She's a good traveler and enjoys spending time with us in our RV. Because she was constantly itching, Bella needed a simple diet which meant no more store-bought treats. I couldn't believe that I found this website so I could make her special treats at home. I get creative and add honey, fruits and vegetables to them. She thinks she's special.

Comments for Bella Rose - Shih Tzu and Pekingese Mix

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by: megan

i have the same exact dog as you, but a male. his name is ozzy. i showed my mom and she said,"why would you put him in a dress?" if i could adda picture, i would show you.

Cute cloth
by: Sisly

Oh that cloth that dog wears looks so cute and beautiful. I do have a pug at my home and he love to wear cloths like this especially during winter season.

by: Laura


I have two pekingese and they are so adorable I think Bella Rose is adorable too!

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